The Heck is Lymph Anyway?
Introduction to the Lymphatic System
When I first learned about the lymphatic system while studying Exercise Sports Science at the University of Central Florida, we spent about one day learning about it’s function and purpose, and never talked about it again.
No wonder I, and other fitness and health professionals, never realized how important, and neglected this system is.
After learning more about the lymphatic system, I found that it is truly the cornerstone of our health and wellness.
How come so many of us don’t have a clear idea on how to improve the function of our lymphatic system, or even why it’s even important?
In short, the lymphatic system is made of a fluid that runs parallel to our circulatory system (blood vessels) and nerves. The lymphatic system contains a fluid, known as lymph, that circulates through your body, containing various cells and tissues that help protect your immune system.
Often times, our lymph can become blocked, not letting the fluids to readily flow through our body. Blockages in this flow, similar to blockages in circulation, can create an increase likeliness of becoming ill, or even pain.
It appears that there can be several reasons as to why lymph can become blocked in the body, such as tight muscles, or irritated nerves that causes specific areas to tighten.
When lymph encounters a blockage in the body, it can irritate the nerves and muscles that run parallel to where the stagnation has occurred.
Back in 2015, I was experiencing extreme pain in my left groin, and was unsure why.
It even hurt to walk!
I went to the doctor, and found that I had extreme swelling of my lymph nodes where I was experiencing pain.
The doctor then assessed my lymphatic system and was alarmed by how swollen I was.
In the long run, we didn’t find anything too alarming.
But my body was definitely fighting something, and perhaps my lymph wasn’t flowing optimally…(food for thought)....
Flash forward several years, I kept dealing with issues of subclinical chronic pain.
Pain would constantly jump around my body, regardless of all the rehabilitation and self-care I had been doing.
I decided to dive deeper and listen to what my body was telling me….
I then noticed that I ALWAYS had some level of swelling and pain in my left groin (even in my neck), I just hadn’t noticed it…
So I began to chat with other fitness and wellness professionals…
Until finally one of my friend’s pointed me in the right direction…
My friend Venus Lau suggested I follow this lymphatic system specialist named Dr. Perry.
Without hesitation I jumped on it!
It blew my mind immediately.
He had this really great graphics that actually showed you where the lymph flows through directly, AND where it is most commonly blocked, and HOW this can lead to health issues.
I was sold.
So sold, that I bought his online course on how to get your lymph moving immediately.
Graphic from Dr. Perry (Link to account below)
After practicing his methods, my pain started to magically dissipate.
Essentially, he shows you hacks on how to stimulate the flow of your lymphatic fluid manually, but the biggest take away for me was: If you’re not drinking sufficient water, and not breathing with your diaphragm, all the hacks in the world won’t help!
If you ever wondered if there’s something deeper causing your pain or discomfort, assess your lymphatic system. Any swelling of the neck or groin can be an easy indicator.
Like anything else, keep it simple, and focus on the basics: H20 and diaphragmatic breath, BOOM.
If you want to learn more about the lymphatic system and how to naturally restore its function, go follow Dr. Perry at @stopchasingpain