Movement Prep
Movement Prep: 3 Round | Minimal Rest Between Rounds
A1: Half Kneeling Arm Screws (Switch Knees Half Way) x 20 reps
From a half kneeling position, stack your shoulders over your hips, and hips over your knee. Maintain a tight core, long spine, and squeeze your glutes as you hold your arms out to your sides. Twist one shoulder at a time, as if you are wringing out a towel. Alternate shoulders and switch knees halfway.
A2: Bodyweight Squats x 15 reps
From a tall neutral stance, press your knees forward and out as you descend into a squat. Keep your core tight, chest proud, and spine long throughout this movement. Be sure to come up all the way back to standing after every rep.
A3: Reverse Lunge with Reach x 10 reps
Standing with both feet together, step forward into a lunge position. Tap your knee to the ground as you stack your shoulders over your hips, and hips over your knee. Keep tension throughout your legs as your twist your torso towards your front leg, pull your arms as far apart from each other as you can. Come back to standing and alternate sides.
Primary Circuit
Primary Circuit: 4 Rounds | Minimal Rest Between Sets
B1: Crab Reaches x 10 reps
Starting from a crab position, lift one hand off the ground and bring it towards your mindline. Drive your hips up towards the ceiling, squeezing your glutes and abs. Reach your free hand towards the ground to get an active stretch throughout your side. Come back to your crab position and alternate sides.
B2: Duck Walks (forwards & back) x 10 reps
From a deep squat position, with a tight core, proud chest, and long spine, step one foot forward as you shift your weight onto the forward leg. Bring your feet together and alternate sides.
B3: Side Kick Through x 10 reps
Starting in a beast position, lift your opposite hand and foot off the ground. Keeping a tight core, extend your foot out as far as you can, externally rotating from the hip and pointing your toes. Pull your elbow up and back as far as you can, externally rotating your arm. Come back to your beast position and alternate sides.
Secondary Circuit
Secondary Circuit: 3 rounds | Minimal Rest
C1: Cossack Squat to Seated Internal Hip Rotation x 10 reps
From a wider than hip distance stance, keep your toes forward as you maintain a tight core and long spine. Sit into one hip as your drive your knee forward and out. Lift the toes of your straight leg up towards the ceiling and slowly sit onto the ground. Internally rotate your bent leg and actively press it into the ground. Bringing your knee back up and shift your weight forward to lift off the floor. Come back to standing and alternate sides.
C2: Alternating V-Ups (Slow and controlled) x 20 reps
Laying flat on your back, squeeze your abs as you press your lower back into the ground. Reach your opposite hand and foot up towards the ceiling and tap them together. Slowly come back to your starting position and alternate sides.
C3: Eccentric Squats to Relevé x 10 reps
From a tall neutral stance, press your knees forward and out as you slowly descend into a squat for a count of 3. Keep your core tight, chest proud, and spine long throughout this movement. Explosively come up to a triple extension, lifting your heels as high as you can off the ground. Be sure to squeeze your glutes and abs at the top. Repeat for reps.
Finisher: 6 Rounds | 40 seconds on | 20 seconds off
Tripod Reach to Twisted Downward Dog
Starting from a crab position with a tight core, proud chest, and long spine. Bring one arm towards your midline and press your hips up squeezing your glutes and abs. Stack your shoulders and reach up towards the ceiling and sit back into your 3-point crab. Lift the opposite foot and your reaching arm and underswitch into a single arm downward dog. Press your heels up as high as you can, maintaining a long spine and soft bend in the knees as you grab your opposite ankle and hold for a count of 2. Underswitch back to your crab position and alternate sides.
Decompression: 1 round
Hands Clasped Behind Back Neck Rotations x 10 deep breaths
From a tall neutral stance, clasp your hands behind your back and pull your shoulders down and back. Lengthen through your spine as your rotate your neck in a circular motion looking over one shoulder, up towards the ceiling, and over the opposite shoulder, reversing this pattern.
Lateral Reach from Seated Position x 5 each side
From an indian-style seated position, with a long spine and tight core. Clasp your opposite hand over your opposite knee, and reach your free hand overhead and diagonally stretching out your lateral line. Alternate sides.
Half Pigeon Stretch x 5 deep breaths each side
Starting in a high plank position, bring one knee onto the ground towards your same side wrist. Keep a long spine, proud chest, and tight core as you try to keep your hips squared. Use your hands to shift your weight evenly onto both hips as your pull your pelvis back into a posterior pelvic tilt. Take 10 deep breaths and alternate sides.
Needle Arm Thread, Alternating x 10 reps
From a quadruped position, draw one elbow up towards the ceiling then thread it under your opposite arm. Reach as far as you can, bringing your shoulders onto the ground, and twist as you try to stack your shoulders on top of each other. Be sure to squeeze your core and try to minimize any shifting in the hips. Come back to center and alternate sides.