Plus, how yoga, physical therapy and other “rehab” can keep you writhing in pain for YEARS


Dear Friend,

I couldn’t walk.

I could barely sit. 

Back pain had taken over my life. 

And not just pain in my back…

Pain in my shoulder…

My neck…

It was like every waking moment of my life I felt my body screaming against me.

And no matter what I tried…

There was nothing out there that could completely get rid of it.  

Not strength training…

Or physical therapy…

Not even practicing yoga 3 times a week was able to give me the relief I so desperately craved!

Of course…

With every passing year the pain seemed to just get worse and worse.

Slowly but surely making it harder and harder to live…

Or to even enjoy my life!

It left me feeling hopeless…

And fearing that this pain in my neck, back and shoulders, would be a permanent part of my life.

Actual x-ray of my neck showing misalignment circa 2017.

Actual x-ray of my neck showing misalignment circa 2017.

I mean if after 15 years I hadn’t found anything that had helped…

What was going to change now as my body got older and more and more broken down?

But all that pain is now a thing of the past.

After a Florida Doctor shared with me gentle “caveman” movements that ENDED my neck, shoulder, and back pain…

For good. 

In fact for the last 9 months I’ve been living practically pain free.

That’s right, almost ZERO pain. 

After spending the last 15 years with an aching back, neck and shoulder…

I’m now jumping out of bed every morning…

I’m able to deadlift more than my bodyweight…

And I can run 2 miles without feeling like a senior citizen the next day.

And I’m not the only one either…

34 year old Sarah K. from Silver Spring, Maryland says “I was dealing with constant knee pain, hip tightness, and a general feeling of weakness and instability.  

It’s only been 8 months, but I’ve experienced less joint pain, less stiffness and tightness in all my joints and muscles.

I have also started to feel looser and more mobile and able to tackle learning the animal flow movements (and other strength training movements) with more confidence.

And 62 year old Mike D. from Langley, Canada says, “My body used to be broken… arthritis in my knees… my pain would come and go. 

But not only am I no longer in pain...But I am more mobile, and stronger too. 

I just did 50 deep squats in a row for the first time ever!!”

And what’s even more amazing…

Is these results didn’t come after hours of stretching exercises…

Or doing handstands during a yoga class…

But with simple, gentle movements (not workouts)...

That retrain your body to start moving the way it was designed to…

Allowing you to banish your pain in as little as 9 minutes a day.

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These movements are simple and deal with the TRUE source of your pain (which yoga, pilates, and physical therapists almost always ignore)...

And can relieve the pain your feeling in your…

  • Back

  • Hips

  • Knees

  • Shoulders

  • Ankles

  • Wrists

  • Neck

And practically anywhere else you might have pain.

Now I know all this might sound hard to believe, especially if you’ve tried solution after solution that promised it would give you relief from your pain. 

Which is why I’m going to be sharing the research of UCF Professor Dr. Harry Meyers that proves you CAN in fact relieve your pain using the method I’m going to share with you.

I’m also going to share the reason why doing yoga, physical therapy, and other traditional forms of rehab FAIL to totally relieve you of pain…

And how this Florida Doctor’s simple “caveman stretches” can rid you of pain in as little as 9 minutes a day. 

I’ll also be sharing the #1 reason that people injure themselves while working out…

And what sports doctors are doing today to protect pro athletes from these kinds of injuries...

And will allow you to stay healthy and mobile not just today...

But into your 30’s, 40’s, 50’s, and even your 60’s. 

I’ll reveal all of it to you, right here, on this page. But before I get into that, let me tell you a little more about myself…


Hi! My name is Francheska Martinez. 

I’m a graduate of the University of Central Florida (one of the top 5 Sports Science programs in the country) and currently work as a personal trainer and movement coach in Austin, Texas. 

And while today I am almost 100% pain free…

Just 9 short months ago, my life revolved around my pain.

Like many people…

It all started after a simple accident...

Something that could have easily been avoided. 

At the tender age of 12…

While my family was painting the walls of our Florida home…

My mom bumped into our mammoth 50-pound stereo system…

Knocking it from its stand and flattening me like a pancake. 

My parents were FREAKED out when it happened. 

But I tried to just brush it off. 

And told them I was fine and that it didn’t hurt.

But in the two weeks that passed after the accident…

I came to realize I was not fine. 

As the pain in my back that had started as almost a whisper…

Was a full-blown crescendo by the end of that second week.

Making it painful to sit…

Painful to walk…

To be honest, it was painful just to be alive!

I begged my parents to take me to the emergency room...

Where a series of X-rays showed I not only had suffered a hairline fracture in my spine…

But that I also had a minor case of scoliosis as well. 

The doctor told me I should be fine on my own...

And that I just needed a little rest to let the injury settle. 

And he was right!

Within a couple weeks I was back on my feet as a happy, healthy 12 year old. 

But what I didn’t know…

Was that while I didn’t feel any pain at the time…

The damage in my back was far from being healed. 

And as I got older… 

That pain came back…

And got worse…

And worse…

And worse. 

After college I was recruited to work at one of the top law firms in Florida. 

A job where I easily spent 10 hours a day stuck at a desk typing away at a computer. 

And it was at that point…

That the pain I was in became almost unbearable. 

I was constantly shifting in my chair...

Standing up and trying to “stretch”...

Even taking 15 minute walks to try to take the stress off my back. 

Nothing worked. 

And meanwhile…

The pain I was feeling had crept up into my neck and left shoulder too. 

Causing me to strain at work…

To barely be able to look over my shoulder in the car…

Heck the pain was so bad I could barely sit on the couch and relax!

It was like the more and more time I spent sitting in a chair…

The more pain I was in. 

After a couple months of this, I decided enough was enough.

I NEEDED to do something about this, right now. 

I wasn’t about to spend the next 50 or 60 years living in near-constant pain!

So I did the thing that I thought would help the most.

I signed up for a gym membership and started working out.

I figured if I could strengthen my “weak core” as online experts put it…

That would help solve the problems in my back. 

And it did!

But only to a point.

Even while doing 2 min planks a day…

I STILL had pain in my low back.

Not to mention all that extra lifting seemed to make the pain in my shoulder and neck even worse!

So I went to a physical therapist...

Signed up for yoga classes...

Started doing more stretching and even went to get acupuncture...

But none of it seemed to take away the pain I was feeling. 

And while I didn’t realize it at the time…

There was a very good reason for this.

Yoga, physical therapy, stretching… None of them were addressing the root cause of my pain.

I started to feel hopeless.

I mean I was 24 years old…

And yet I felt like I was in the body of an 86 year old!



With so much pain I could hardly get through my daily life!

But thanks to one of the professors at my alma mater in Central Florida…

My life has completely changed. 

And am now able to say I’m almost 100% pain free. 

Just like Sally Reid, who says, “I did maybe 10 minutes of these movements and later in the day, I had like no pain. And my body felt loose and relaxed… Like I didn’t even realize I was walking with so much tension constantly. But it was just like I could move. Even just a little bit made a HUGE difference.”

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And if you do what I’m about to tell you, you could be free of your pain too.

And not with hour long workouts…

Or spending hours at a physical therapist…

But with simple, gentle movements that take no more than 9 minutes a day. 

I’ll share all the details in a minute. 

But first, let me tell you what happened to allow me to make this amazing discovery… 

So back at Central Florida I had a Professor by the name of Dr. Harry Meyers. 

And Dr. Meyers always insisted that the reason most traditional therapy doesn’t work…

Was because traditional therapies like yoga and stretching all focus on relieving tension in the muscles. 

And NOT on solving the root issues that is causing the pain in your joints!

Now don’t get me wrong, relieving tension in the muscles IS important.

Especially if you want to avoid injuries during strength training at a gym.

But if you have pain in your knees…

Your back…

Your shoulders…

Your neck…

Or any other of the many joints in your body…

Then relieving that muscle tension is NOT the answer. 

So if yoga and stretching wasn’t what I needed…

What was?

It’d been so long since I’d been in Dr. Meyers class. And every attempt to get in touch with him ended in a bounced email or an empty dial tone on the other side of the phone. 

So I decided to dig out some of my old textbooks. 

And it was in an old 3rd edition of a book called Body Physiology…

That I stumbled on the one thing that 99% of physical therapists, exercise experts, and strength trainers were missing. 

That the TRUE reason that so many people today were ending up aching and in pain…

Was their joints were missing the “oil” that allows them to move right!

See buried in this old textbook was a chapter on something called “synovial fluid”.

It’s basically a gummy liquid that coats the surface of and stays between your joints.

And it’s VERY important for every joint in your body. 

Boston College refers to it as “the oil of the joints”, because it acts as a lubricant to allow them to move smoothly. [1]

While keeping your bones from scraping against one another.

Now this synovial fluid starts out nice and thick (allowing you to move around easily and without pain)...

But over time it gets older and thinner (just like the motor oil in a car).[2] 

And as it does…

You have less lubrication to keep your joints moving smoothly…

And less protection from all the irritants and inflammatory substances attacking your joints at all times. 

Luckily, our bodies protects us from this happening.

By flushing out the old and thin synovial fluid with newer, thick synovial fluid. 

Pretty neat right?

But here’s the catch…

According to a study by researchers at the University of Delaware…

This ONLY happens when you’re engaged in physical activity that gives the joints the movement they need to replace that synovial fluid. [3]

And today...

Most of us aren’t moving around as much or in the ways humans did 1,000 years ago.

So as a result of that - our joints stay filled with this old, thinning synovial fluid.  

Which according to my beat up copy of Body Physiology and a study by the University of Cambridge…

Is part of what causes so many people end up with so much pain in their joints.

Since without this synovial fluid to protect and lubricate your joints…

Your basically going bone-on-bone every time you move!Causing irritation and inflammation that leaves your joints aching and in pain! [4]

Now by this point the solution was basically staring me in the face…

The key to reducing the pain in your joints is to give them the movement they need to flush out your synovial fluid!

It might seem simple (and it really is that simple).

But there IS one caveat to this… 

While movement IS necessary and essential to replace your old and worn out synovial fluid…

According to the University of California San Diego, there are certain movements that are more effective for protecting and lubricating your joints. [5]

What kinds of movements?Well it varies depending on the type of joint you’re talking about.  

But the main thing is to make sure your joints are able to go through their full range of motion. 

Allowing them to replace your old synovial fluid…

And better protecting you from injury while you’re building the muscles that surround them. 

This is the same philosophy that professional sports teams employ today... 

After a study from the American Orthopedic Society for Sports Medicine found that joint rotation exercises significantly reduced injuries for professional athletes during a game. [6]

Which is pretty amazing…

That when the best athletes in the world are twisting and contorting their bodies during games and matches…

They’re trusting these specific movements to protect themselves. 

It’s no wonder the Arthritis Foundation, one of the most trusted authorities for people with worn-down and achy joints…

Recommended a dynamic stretching routine that centered around 7 specific joint movements. [7]

After reading all this, I realized that…


The key to unlocking my joints and relieving my pain was to start moving them in the ways they needed! 

So that’s exactly what I did! 

I realized that deep down, I wasn’t happy working at my law firm.

And that I wanted to get back to doing what I had gone to school for (exercising and training my body). 

So I quit my job at the law firm and eventually moved to Austin, Texas...

And started training at the prestigious ONNIT gym while I worked on becoming a personal trainer. 

And it turned out to be one of the best decisions I could have made. 

Because ONNIT was not one of those “24 Hour Fitness” type of places where you get in, get out, and get stronger by any means necessary. 

ONNIT teaches you how to work with your body. 

To strengthen it without putting yourself at risk of injury. 

And I think that’s important. 

Because more than anything, people get injured at the gym because they’re focused on lifting as much weight possible...

Instead of focusing on strengthening the muscles. 

Don’t get me wrong, you WILL get stronger if you lift heavier and heavier weights. 

But if you’re not using the right form, you’re putting yourself at risk of getting injured. 

It was thanks to my time at ONNIT that I realized why none of the things I tried, whether it was…

  • Yoga

  • Pilates

  • Medicine balls

  • Kettlebells

  • Free weights

  • Crossfit

  • Animal flow

  • Or even start doing stuff like physical therapy…

None of them gave me the relief I was looking for!

Which is because every single one of them focused on the stretching and lengthening your muscles…

Not moving and rotating your joints!

So after so many things failed to relieve the pain I was in…

I decided to take things into my own hands.

And to create my own movements that would give my joints what they so desperately needed.

I knew from my time at ONNIT that the most important thing was that these movements could both give me the rotation I needed…

But to also do it in a way that focused on my joints. 

So I pulled out my textbooks from when I was studying under Dr. Meyers…And got to work studying the human body. 

Looking at each and every joint…

And figuring out exactly how to give them the full range of motion they needed to function properly. 

And once I did that…I started practicing the movements myself. 

This was actually the hardest part. 

Because I needed to figure out how to heal my own body…

Without doing too much and making the pain I was feeling even worse!

It took close to 2 years...

But over time, I slowly but surely started to figure out what worked and what didn’t. 

And that the more I got back to moving the way humans had for thousands of years…

The more days I’d go without pain.


In fact…

Once I got the movements down…

My pain started to disappear within the first week!

I was shocked at first. 

I mean, I’d been living in pain since I was 12 years old. 

To go from feeling that every hour of every day…

To being without it?

It was amazing!

Of course just because these classic “caveman stretches” worked for me…

Didn’t mean they would work for other people. 

So I talked with the owner of the gym I trained at...

And he agreed to let me run my own class there for 4 hours a week. 

Which is exactly what I did. 

I started my own 60 minute class …

And slowly but surely started filling up rooms…

And as I did…

The most amazing thing happened.

Not only were my classes completely overbooked…

But 5 or 6 people would regularly come up to me and ask me how they could start practicing this at home. 

Because for the first time in sometimes 20 years...

They had gotten relief from their pain. These are people that were avid yogis, bodybuilders, and other hard-core retired athletes…

That were not just getting stronger during my program…

But were relieving pain they thought would never go away. 

I called my class “Primal Flow”. 

And while it’s been incredibly successful…

I realized that I’d never be able to teach everyone that needed these movements as long as I was the only one teaching.

And I realized that if I really wanted to help more people…

I needed to create something that anyone could do…

From anywhere…

At any time of the day. 

So over the last 3 years I’ve spent hours and hours perfecting and filming each and every movement I do...

And have finally created what I call my Bodyweight Fundamentals Course

In it are more than 100 HD quality videos… 

That teach you simple, gentle movements to all but eliminate the pain in your back…

Your neck…

Your hips...

Your knees…

Anywhere you might have pain…

In less than 9 minutes a day. 

All you have to do is pick the area of your body you have pain…

And you can immediately start doing movements tailored specifically for those joints. 

Allowing you to quickly and easily start relieving your pain…

Without spending hours and hours performing poses that won’t even help you!

I’ve made sure to design these movements so that anyone can do them. 

Whether you’re a 20-something athlete who’s been working out since middle school… 

In your golden years and want to slow down the creep of aging...

Or have just started dipping your toe in the water when it comes to exercise…

These gentle movements will also allow you to build strength and improve your mobility…

Without putting your muscles, joints, or any other part of your body at risk of injury. 

And while these movements may seem challenging at first… 

I’ve made sure that each one is broken down so you understand not only how to do them…

But exactly what you should be feeling while you do them. 

And if you have questions…

You can always ask them in my Private Facebook group…

Which you will be added to as soon as you purchase…

And where myself and everyone that has purchased the course will be available for questions, support, or anything else you might need along the way. 

In addition to the Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced sections of my Bodyweight Fundamentals Course…

You will also get access to my 4-Week Bodyweight Workout program.

A comprehensive, full-body workout program that uses the movements I teach in my Bodyweight Fundamentals…

And is designed to relieve stress throughout every joint in your body…

While also strengthening and supporting the surrounding muscles around them. 

And once you finish the whole thing?

I’ll personally mail you a certificate of completion and send you a custom T-shirt…

Something I designed myself which will only be available for people that have completed the program in its entirety.

Oh and one last thing…

I just finished working on my 8-week Kettlebell Workout E-book. 

This is an 8-week comprehensive strength training program that allows you to functionally get stronger using kettlebells. 

This program will allow you to strengthen every part of your body…

Your shoulders…




Safely and effectively using my never released Kettlebell system. 

You may have seen some of my exercises on my instagram page… 

But this is the first time I’ve ever shared these movements with anyone in this way.

And I’ll give you special access to it as a “thank you” for joining my Bodyweight Fundamentals program. 

Now obviously there are other options out there besides the Bodyweight Fundamentals course that you could try.

Yoga is one thing you could try.

Of course to really see changes…

You’re gonna need to spend hours and hours learning the poses. 

Which means shelling out money for a gym membership…

Joining one of those group-fit classes…

Or signing up for a full-blown yoga studio.

Not to mention buying a yoga mat, gym clothes, and being in a hot sweaty room full of other people. 

And even then…

Yoga will never truly be able to eliminate your pain.

Since it doesn’t give your joints the range of motion they need to fully heal themselves. 

Then there’s always physical therapy. 

Which can be a good option. 

But if your insurance doesn’t cover it...

You could easily be on the hook for hundreds and hundreds of dollars (and that’s IF they don’t use any of their “special” more expensive treatments).

And even if your insurance does cover it…

It’s really a guessing game when it comes to physical therapists. 

Since most tend to specialize in one area or another.

Or have more experience working with certain body parts. 

So while most therapists WILL have a base knowledge of what’s causing you pain…

They may not know exactly what to do to relieve YOUR pain.

Other than to massage the areas and work out the affected muscles (again, not the real issue here).

Look, I remember what it was like to be in pain…

To wake up everyday and have my body ache when I was getting out of bed…

To be in the gym and always afraid of re-aggravating my old injuries. 

Which is why I want to encourage you to come work with me!

Because today I’m going to be offering you a special deal…

Where you can get immediate access to the Bodyweight Fundamentals Course for a great offer.

Let me explain…

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I normally charge about $160 per hour to work with me.

Or $500 if you work with me one-on-one for 4 times a month. 

And for most of my clients…

It takes around 8 sessions before they start being able to do the movements on their own. 

12 before they really feel comfortable with them.

So to really get to a place where you can really start doing these movements on your own…

You’d usually spend at least $1,500. 

And that doesn’t even include access to the Primal Flow workout program or the Facebook group…

Which I usually charge around $200 for. 

So all in all you’d be spending at least $1,700 to get everything that I’ve talked about today.

But right now, as a special introductory price, you won’t even pay half that. 

I’m going to give you access to the almost 5 hours of HD movement videos…

My Primal Movement workout program…

My Kettlebell Workout Program...

And my private Facebook group…

For a special introductory price of just $199.

This is a special introductory pricing as a “thank you” for being one of the first people to sign up for my program…

Which is why I’m giving you 4 HOURS of video…

2 separate strength and mobility workout programs…

And access to my Private Facebook group...

For less than what it’d cost for a single hour of physical therapy. 

It’s really a no-brainer.

To get started, simply click the “buy course” button you see right below this sentence, and you’ll then be taken to the secure checkout page I’ve set up. 


Then, just enter your information, and you’ll immediately be given unrestricted access to the entire Bodyweight Fundamentals Course through the special “members” only website I’ve created. 

You can view the videos, my guides, everything right on your computer, your smartphone, or your tablet. 

The instructions are simple, easy to follow, and you or your loved one will have absolutely NO issues following them. 

Plus you’ll also be covered by a full 30 day Money-Back Guarantee. 

Here’s how it works…

Right now you just try the Bodyweight Fundamentals program by clicking the “Buy Course” button below. 

Once you’ve done that, logon to the website and take a look at the videos there.

You can start from the beginning or skip straight to the area you want to work on. 

And if after practicing these movements you’re not 100% satisfied with the way you feel…

You simply send me an email using the address I’ll provide you in the “Instructions” section, and I’ll immediately refund your entire investment no questions asked. 

Plus, even though pretty much every single one of the 793 people that have used this program have seen incredible results…

You have those full 30 days to decide whether this course is right for you. 

Just click the “Buy Course” button below and you’re immediately covered by this money-back guarantee.


I’m taking all the risk, and it doesn’t bother me one bit. 

Like I said, this is about taking the pain out of your life. 

About you waking up 3 weeks from now and noticing your back isn’t aching the way it used to. 

To walking down the hall and NOT feeling your knees crack. 

And being able to do all the things you want to WITHOUT feeling pain the whole time. 

Think about how your life would be if you didn’t have pain?

About what it would be like to sit down at the end of a long day and relax on the couch without feeling pain...

About what it would be like to go out to dinner without constantly shifting in your seat to try and get comfortable..

About how great it would be to travel and spend an entire day walking around the city...

Without you needing to pop pills and take breaks to “rest”.

It doesn’t have to be something you just think about. 

This is something you could be living!

And I want to help you do that. 

By giving you a program that will not just help relieve your pain…

But will safeguard your body from injury both today, and for years to come.

This program is designed to get your body working the way it’s supposed to.

To help you build strength and improve your mobility…

And not put your body at risk to do it. 

So that you can build strength and muscle, getting you closer to the body you want…

And not have you worrying about how it’ll make the pain you’re feeling even worse. 

It IS possible. 

But you really do need to take action by pressing the “Buy Course” button below this sentence.


So right now, you have two options. 

You can choose to not take action and continue doing exactly what you’ve been doing.

But what’s going to change if you do that?

If you’re on this page it’s because you decided that you wanted something different.

You wanted a way to end the pain you’re in. 

That didn’t involve handfuls of pain pills or hours and hours with a doctor or physical therapist. 

I don’t want you to think back to this presentation months into the future and STILL be in pain.

Or worse, to be in more pain than you had before and have it be in other areas of your body too.

Especially since taking action today will give you exactly what you need to get the relief you’re looking for. 

Which brings us to the second option…

The option where you say “maybe” and try the Bodyweight Fundamentals course with zero risk…

Experience for yourself what it feels like to move “with” your body…

And finally put an end to the aches and pains that you’ve lived with for only you know how long. 

How amazing would it be to wake up without pain?

To go to dinner and be able to really relax and enjoy yourself?

Or kick your feet up at a movie and have the only thing you feel be the chair underneath your butt?

Not pain…

Or dull aches…

Or anything else that is keeping you from living your life. 

It doesn’t have to be that way anymore.

Ultimately what you decide is up to you. 

But it should be clear what’s going to best help you get back to living the life you’ve always wanted. 

So go ahead and say maybe by clicking the “buy course” button below right now. 

If like me, nothing has relieved your pain…

Then this decision should be easy. 

And if you’re ready to make it, go ahead and click the “Buy Course” button and complete the checkout page. 

Here’s to your health.

Your friend,



Hey it’s Francheska again. Before I let you go, I want to make sure I answer some questions you may have about the program. 

So below I’m going to go ahead and answer some of the top questions that people have after reading through my presentation…

1.How and why does the Bodyweight Fundamentals Program work?

Your joints need a certain amount of movement to function properly. And if they don’t get it… then they stop working the way they’re supposed to. And you end up feeling pain as a result. Primal Flow shows you how to start moving those joints the way they need to… to help them lubricate themselves and get rid of the calcium deposits in those areas. 

2. Who will the Primal Flow Program work for?

Anyone that has pain! Although its also great for building strength. And doing it without risking yourself to a short or long-term injury. 

3. What exactly is included in the program?

You’ll receive over 4 hours of HD quality videos showing you how to do each and every movement. You’ll also receive my Primal Flow workout program, Kettlebell workout program, and access to my private Facebook group. 

4. What kind of results can I expect?

Results vary. But some people have started feeling relief from their pain within the first week of practicing these movements (usually for less than 9 minutes a day).

5. What’s with that guarantee again?

If at any point within 30 days you decide this program is not working for you, just send an email to me and I will give you a 100% refund. You can find the email address in the private members area.

6. How do I get started?

Just click the button above that says “Buy Course” and complete the secure checkout process on the next page. Once you get access to the videos, you can either start from the beginning, or skip ahead to the area you’d like to work on.